외부 기고문

[Project Syndicate] How South Korea Stopped COVID-19 Early

443회 조회됨

지난 3월 19일 발표했던 “한국의 코로나19 유행과 대응에 대한 한국 민중건강운동 성명서“를 더 많은 독자들에게 전달하고자, 사설 형태로 편집해 국제미디어 Project Syndicate에 투고했습니다. 4월 27일 게재됐습니다.




Government testing and tracing alone did not halt the spread of the coronavirus in South Korea. The country’s civil-society organizations also played a critical role by monitoring the situation closely, helping to hold the authorities accountable, and reaching vulnerable social groups.


SEOUL – South Korea experienced one of the world’s largest initial outbreaks of COVID-19 outside China. But, unlike the United States and many European countries, we have been able to contain and drastically reduce the spread of the virus, at least so far – and without imposing a nationwide lockdown. Our response may provide insights that can help other governments and civil-society groups working to combat the pandemic.

So, how did we do it?


(Project Syndicate 기사 바로가기)


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